Tonbridge Climate Action Day 20 September 2019

22 September 2019

April Clark at the Climate Action day in Tonbridge 20/9/19 School students and others listen to speeches about the Climate Catastrophe

Pictured: Judd Ward councillor and Prospective Parliamentary Candidate April Clark joins the youth expressing their concerns about the Climate Catastrophe.

Upwards of 300 Tonbridge residents of all ages joined together on Friday afternoon to express their extreme concern over the course of our country's reaction to the Climate Catastrophe which threatens to engulf our entire planet. The mood was cheerful and upbeat for such a sombre subject, but the beautiful weather on the day mitigated against dark moods, and the participants exuded optimism that changes >could< be made in time to avoid the worst of the consequences we fear. Nearly all the people we passed as we marched were supportive, though one did grumble about the traffic jam as we marched up Tonbridge High Street. (Don't worry folks, it only took five or ten minutes!)

Green Party members assisted the kids by providing adult stewards to ensure that safety requirements were met. 


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