Help to get more Greens elected - Donate now!

Please support Tonbridge and Malling Green Party

If you support what we are doing, please consider making a donation.

 April Clark speaks plainly about what our country needs in this time of crisis.
Crowdfunder UKCrowdfunder UK
April Clark needs your support to fight the General Election on December 12th and give Tonbridge & Malling the chance to vote Green!
Alternatively, Our bank details are:

Tonbridge and Malling Green Party

Coop Bank

Sort Code: 08 92 99

Account number: 65787193

If you bank online you can make a one off or monthly donation via your 'Payments and Transfers' tab.

We are looking into an online payments provider site, but at the moment that is not available to us.   

Tonbridge and Malling Green Party members are hard at work all year round - delivering leaflets, sweating over press releases and canvassing for support in elections. And this is work that should produce results, giving you great representatives, policies to tackle climate change, social injustice and to protect our countryside but Green Party campaigns also needs cash to deliver our message effectively.

It costs £20 to print 100 glowing green window posters, £200 to print a ward newsletter, £1,000 to rent a shop for the election period.

We in the Green Party don't have dodgy billionaire donors, we don't take dirty money from grubby big businesses and we're not in the pockets of media and union barons, but that means that we do have to ask our supporters and party members to dig deep, to contribute as much as you can.

YOUR CASH could be the contribution that takes us over the line.


We also need more volunteers out speaking to residents and delivering our newsletters, to make sure we get the Green Party's message across to every voter in Tonbridge and Malling. For more information of ways you can help, please see our Get Involved page.

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