Let Us Be Heard - One million people march to Parliament, including members of the Tonbridge and Malling Green Party

T&M marchers at the March


Some of our group walking toward Parliament to register our dismay that the powers that be refuse to acknowledge the democratic mandate for a referendum now that we know the terms of the deal.



Marchers enjoying the fellowship of the day


Marchers enjoy the sunshine as we pass Hyde Park Corner and move down Picadilly, toward the Houses of Parliament. 



Marching toward Parliament we visit Crispin Odey's money spinning office


Marching toward Parliament we visit Crispin Odey's money spinning office.



Onlookers cheer the marchers... And make an important point about recycling.


Onlookers cheer the marchers... And make an important point about recycling.



The crowd moves as one toward its goal of changing the hearts and minds of Parliament to reflect the changed 'will of the people'.



The crowd moves as one toward its goal of changing the hearts and minds of Parliament to reflect the changed 'will of the people'.



A well wisher displays his solidararity as we march along Picadilly on our way to Parliament Square.


A well wisher displays his solidararity as we march along Picadilly on our way to Parliament Square.



The crowds become dense and very slow moving as we approach the end of Picadilly.


The crowds become dense and very slow moving as we approach the end of Picadilly.




We all stop to watch the giant screens relaying the speeches from Parliament Square as Caroline Lucas speaks.



We all stop near Waterloo Place to watch the giant screens relaying the speeches from Parliament Square as Caroline Lucas speaks.


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